We believe that the Bible is the Word of God. It is supernaturally inspired and it is the Divine standard for all the ages. It is our guide for all of life and is the final authority in every area of faith and practice. We believe the Bible to be completed in it’s canon with 66 books all given under inspiration of God’s Holy Spirit. We believe the best translation of the original autographs exists in the 1611 King James Version. It is the only version used for teaching and preaching here.
We believe that God exist in three distinct yet perfectly equal persons. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. These three are one in person, purpose and plan.
We believe that God created the earth in six literal days. We believe He rested on the seventh after completing the works of creation. We firmly stand against the teachings of evolution in any form.
We believe that all men are born sinners after the similitude of Adam who plunged the entire race into sin. We believe that God the Father in absolute love for man sent His only begotten Son to Calvary’s cross to pay the sin debt for all mankind.