We believe that Jesus Christ is 100% God and 100% man born of the virgin Mary and that He lived a sinless life. This uniquely qualifies Him alone to be the only One capable of redeeming fallen man. He accomplished this through His substitutionary death on the Cross of Calvary. Three days after His crucifixion He rose bodily from the grave in resurrection power. Subsequently, He ascended to the Father’s right hand where He is head of the true Church and makes intercession for all who have placed their trust in Him for eternal salvation.
We believe that one can only be saved and justified through the grace of God alone. Faith in Christ alone plus nothing is the only way to secure God’s unmerited favor.
We believe in the eminent return of the LORD Jesus Christ for His Church in the Rapture. There is nothing inhibiting His coming. We believe this will occur before the seven year Tribulation period where God will pour out His wrath upon unrepentant, unforgiven mankind.
We believe in the security of the believer for eternity. Once genuine repentance occurs and one’s trust is put into the completed work of Christ, that person is sealed unto the day of redemption by the Holy Spirit.